How can GPC Systems Freight Measure support my business?
How do you currently dimension your freight? Manually? Based upon estimates? How do you measure irregular items? Clients tell us their current methods of measuring freight are inaccurate and time consuming. Inconsistent measuring leads to excess costs and make forward planning and efficient packing difficult. By using Freight Measure these processes can be enhanced with accuracy and planning at the forefront of our thinking. We focus on innovation, sustainability within the sector, cost savings and efficiency within your business.
Are you ready to join us on this journey of innovation using Freight Measure?
Being an innovator within a chosen industry is vital for GPC and we work with companies who share the same pioneering values. Striding ahead of competitors and being one of the first to create a product that significantly enhances company processes, is what we do at GPC Systems. There may be obstacles, but we know through working with leading freight and passenger airlines, that the results are proven. Their freight productivity has improved by 40% after implementation. Moving from manual measurements with a tape measure to our adaptable instant Freight Measure software provides real time measurements with a 3D camera. This will calculate the volume, width, length, and depth so you can accurately measure your cargo, warehousing, or postal items. When comparing this autonomous method with the current processes within a warehouse, there really is no comparison!
How can I measure irregular items using Freight Measure?
Measuring your freight from as a little as screws to as large as canoes should not be time consuming, inaccurate, and expensive. Freight Measure is here to support your business especially with irregular sizes of freight or shiny black packaging. The irregular items are measured the same as regular items, a point and click process when using the mobile version of Freight Measure. It’s as simple as taking a selfie!
Is there a mobile option to Freight Measure?
You do not need to bring the freight to a specific measuring station, handheld devices compatible with your existing system can be either mounted or taken with you. We would recommend the option of a mobile tablet to power the solution giving real time information and control, completely independently of the terminal. Data is gathered and is ready for you to view online or integrated directly into your warehouse management system to ensure weights and dims are recorded instantly. If a mobile option isn’t going to suit, we can utilise dimensioning in fixed positions also.
Does Freight Measure require favourable light conditions?
We worked closely with our partner Intel to integrate our measuring software with their 3D camera line, creating Freight Measure. The RealSense camera line excels in low lit environments, the new LIDAR variant can even work in near complete darkness. Lightly conditions within a warehouse will not be a barrier when using the Freight Measure solution. To find out more about Freight Measure and read our FAQ’s visit our website here.
How do I get Freight Measure?
Your current weight and dimensioning process can be replaced today with GPCs solution, Freight Measure. Our process works on a collaborative approach to ensure we can adapt to accommodate around existing warehouse process. Tell us where you want the solution, how the team need to use it and we will configure it to do just that. To find out more get in touch with us today via our CONTACT US page.